When you think about a lifestyle of leisure and class there are few images more iconic than sitting on a balcony with a cup of coffee or a lovely breakfast, watching as the world wakes up.

But balconies are no joy if they don’t have strong safety railing. You need to know your balcony won’t fail you for any reason.

And, of course, it would also help if your balcony rails contributed to your home’s curb appeal. Beautiful rails with real personality will help add to the luxury and atmosphere of your balcony space. Indeed, in some cases, rail work is the only thing that turns the balcony into anything other than a jut of concrete attached to the side of the home.

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Balcony Rail Options

Our wrought iron balcony rails come with a variety of options to choose from. Here are some of the balcony rails we’ve created for Houston homeowners in the past.

As you can see, you can choose:

  • Plain horizontal or vertical bar railings.
  • Decorative patterns and designs: hearts, whorls, diamonds, fleur-de-lis, and more.
  • Elegant curves.
  • Beautiful twisted bars.
  • Small balcony rails to protect upstairs window spaces.
  • Got children? We can build your balcony rails higher, and tighter, minimizing the chances your children will squeeze through the railings or perch perilously atop them.

And when you choose to work with Custom Security Fence & Iron Works you’ll know your balcony railing has been created especially for your balcony. The dimensions, design, and strength of the rail will all be perfect for your home. There won’t be any guesswork and with us, you’ll feel confident about the decision on having us secure your balcony.

Balcony Rail Longevity

Did you know there are wrought-iron balconies in the world which have been standing since the 18th century? Iron balcony railings should last as long as your house does—for a lifetime. And while they need just a little bit of light maintenance to ward off the rust, for the most part, they’re fuss-free.

They’re much safer than balcony railings made out of cheaper materials. Our balcony rails were built to last, so you never have to worry about them giving way.

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Do you have a balcony you need to protect?

Are you ready to start designing your balcony railing? Grab some photos of balcony rails you love, talk to us about your design options, and bring all your questions. Not sure what you want to do? Don’t worry—we’ll bring our design acumen, too.

We’ll provide you with a free quote reflecting some of the most competitive rates in Houston, all without skimping on materials or workmanship.

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